Command List - Y

All Command List Linux Started By Y

yaccYet Another Compiler Compiler, a GNU Project parser generator.
yesRepeatedly output a line with a specified string(s) until killed.
ypbindA daemon that helps client processes to connect to an NIS server.
ypcatShows the NIS map (or database) for the specified MapName parameter.
ypinitSets up NIS maps on an NIS server.
ypmatchShows values for specified keys from an NIS map.
yppasswdChange NIS login password.
yppasswddActs as a server for the yppasswd command. Receives and executes requests.
yppollShows the ID number or version of NIS map currently used on the NIS server.
yppushForces slave NIS servers to copy updated NIS maps.
ypservA daemon activated at system startup. It looks for information in local NIS maps.
ypsetPoint a client (running ypbind) to a specific server (running ypserv).
yptestCalls various functions to check the configuration of NIS services.
ypwhichShows the hostname for NIS server or master server for a given map.
ypxfrTransfers NIS server map from server to a local host.