Command List - C

All Command List Linux Started By C

calShow calendar.
cardctlUsed to control PCMCIA sockets and select configuration schemes.
cardmgrKeeps an eye on the added/removes sockets for PCMCIA devices.
caseExecute a command conditionally by matching a pattern.
catUsed to concatenate files and print them on the screen.
ccGNU C and C++ compiler.
ccryptUsed for encryption and decryption of data.
cdUsed to change directory.
cdda2wavUsed to rip a CD-ROM and make WAV file.
cdparanoiaRecord audio from CD more reliably using data-verification algorithms.
cdrdaoUsed to write all the content specified to a file to a CD all at once.
cdrecordUsed to record data or audio compact discs.
cfdiskShow or change the disk partition table.
chageUsed to change user password information.
chattrUsed to change file attributes.
chdirUsed to change active working directory.
chfnUsed to change real user name and information.
chgrpUsed to change group ownership for file.
chkconfigManage execution of runlevel services.
chmodChange access permission for a file(s).
chownChange the owner or group for a file.
chpasswdUpdate password in a batch.
chrootRun a command with root directory.
chrtAlter process attributed in real-time.
chshSwitch login shell.
chvtChange foreground virtual terminal.
cksumPerform a CRC checksum for files.
clearUsed to clear the terminal window.
cmpCompare two files (byte by byte).
colFilter reverse (and half-reverse) line feeds from the input.
colcrtFilter nroff output for CRT previewing.
colrmRemove columns from the lines of a file.
columnA utility that formats its input into columns.
commUsed to compare two sorted files line by line.
commandUsed to execute a command with arguments ignoring shell function named command.
compressUsed to compress one or more file(s) and replacing the originals ones.
continueResume the next iteration of a loop.
cpCopy contents of one file to another.
cpioCopy files from and to archives.
cppGNU C language processor.
cronA daemon to execute scheduled commands.
crondSame work as cron.
crontabManage crontab files (containing schedules commands) for users.
csplitSplit a file into sections on the basis of context lines.
ctagsMake a list of functions and macro names defined in a programming source file.
cupsdA scheduler for CUPS.
curlUsed to transfer data from or to a server using supported protocols.
cutUsed to remove sections from each line of a file(s).
cvsConcurrent Versions System. Used to track file versions, allow storage/retrieval of previous versions, and enables multiple users to work on the same file.