Command List - W

All Command List Linux Started By W

wShow who is logged-on and what they’re doing.
waitWaits for a specified process ID(s) to terminate and returns the termination status.
wallDisplay a message on the terminals all the users who are currently logged-in.
warnquotaSend mail to the users who’ve exceeded their disk quota soft limit.
watchRuns commands repeatedly until interrupted and shows their output and errors.
wcPrint newline, word, and byte count for each of the specified files.
wgetA non-interactive file download utility.
whatisDisplay one line manual page descriptions.
whereisLocate the binary, source, and man page files for a command.
whichFor a given command, lists the pathnames for the files which would be executed when the command runs.
whileConditionally execute commands (while loop).
whoShows who is logged on.
whoamiDisplays the username tied to the current effective user ID.
whoisLooks for an object in a WHOIS database
writeDisplay a message on other user’s terminal.