Command List - R
All Command List Linux Started By R
Command | Description |
raidstart | Start/stop RAID devices. |
ram | RAM disk device used to access the RAM disk in raw mode. |
ramsize | Show usage information for the RAM disk. |
ranlib | Generate index to the contents of an archive and store it in the archive. |
rar | Create and manage RAR file in Linux. |
rarpd | Respond to Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) requests. |
rcp | Remote copy command to copy files between remote computers. |
rdate | Set system date and time by fetching information from a remote machine. |
rdev | Set or query RAM disk size, image root device, or video mode. |
rdist | Remote file distribution client, maintains identical file copies over multiple hosts. |
rdistd | Start the rdist server. |
read | Read from a file descriptor. |
readarray | Read lines from a file into an array variable. |
readcd | Read/write compact disks. |
readelf | Shows information about ELF (Executable and Linkable format) files. |
readlink | Display value of a symbolic link or canonical file name. |
readonly | Mark functions and variables as read-only. |
reboot | Restart the machine. |
reject | Accept/reject print jobs sent to a specified destination. |
remsync | Synchronize remote files over email. |
rename | Rename one or more files. |
renice | Change priority of active processes. |
repquota | Report disk usage and quotas for a specified filesystem. |
reset | Reinitialize the terminal. |
resize2fs | Used to resize ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems. |
restore | Restore files from a backup created using dump. |
return | Exit a shell function. |
rev | Show contents of a file, reversing the order of characters in every line. |
rexec | Remote execution client for exec server. |
rexecd | Remote execution server. |
richtext | View “richtext” on an ACSII terminal. |
rlogin | Used to connect a local host system with a remote host. |
rlogind | Acts as the server for rlogin.It facilitates remote login, and authentication based on privileged port numbers from trusted hosts. |
rm | Removes specified files and directories (not by default). |
rmail | Handle remote mail received via uucp. |
rmdir | Used to remove empty directories. |
rmmod | A program to remove modules from Linux kernel. |
rndc | Name server control utility. Send command to a BIND DNS server over a TCP connection. |
rootflags | Show/set flags for the kernel image. |
route | Show/change IP routing table. |
routed | A daemon, invoked at boot time, to manage internet routing tables. |
rpcgen | An RPC protocol compiler. Parse a file written in the RPC language. |
rpcinfo | Shows RPC information. Makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports the findings. |
rpm | A package manager for Linux distributions. Originally developed for RedHat Linux. |
rsh | Remote shell. Connects to a specified host and executes commands. |
rshd | A daemon that acts as a server for rsh and rcp commands. |
rsync | A versitile to for copying files remotely and locally. |
runlevel | Shows previous and current SysV runlevel. |
rup | Remote status display. Shows current system status for all or specified hosts on the local network. |
ruptime | Shows uptime and login details of the machines on the local network. |
rusers | Shows the list of the users logged-in to the host or on all machines on the local network. |
rusersd | The rsuerd daemon acts as a server that responds to the queries from rsuers command. |
rwall | Sends messages to all users on the local network. |
rwho | Reports who is logged-in to the hosts on the local network. |
rwhod | Acts as a server for rwho and ruptime commands. |