Command List - R

All Command List Linux Started By R

raidstartStart/stop RAID devices.
ramRAM disk device used to access the RAM disk in raw mode.
ramsizeShow usage information for the RAM disk.
ranlibGenerate index to the contents of an archive and store it in the archive.
rarCreate and manage RAR file in Linux.
rarpdRespond to Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) requests.
rcpRemote copy command to copy files between remote computers.
rdateSet system date and time by fetching information from a remote machine.
rdevSet or query RAM disk size, image root device, or video mode.
rdistRemote file distribution client, maintains identical file copies over multiple hosts.
rdistdStart the rdist server.
readRead from a file descriptor.
readarrayRead lines from a file into an array variable.
readcdRead/write compact disks.
readelfShows information about ELF (Executable and Linkable format) files.
readlinkDisplay value of a symbolic link or canonical file name.
readonlyMark functions and variables as read-only.
rebootRestart the machine.
rejectAccept/reject print jobs sent to a specified destination.
remsyncSynchronize remote files over email.
renameRename one or more files.
reniceChange priority of active processes.
repquotaReport disk usage and quotas for a specified filesystem.
resetReinitialize the terminal.
resize2fsUsed to resize ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems.
restoreRestore files from a backup created using dump.
returnExit a shell function.
revShow contents of a file, reversing the order of characters in every line.
rexecRemote execution client for exec server.
rexecdRemote execution server.
richtextView “richtext” on an ACSII terminal.
rloginUsed to connect a local host system with a remote host.
rlogindActs as the server for rlogin.It facilitates remote login, and authentication based on privileged port numbers from trusted hosts.
rmRemoves specified files and directories (not by default).
rmailHandle remote mail received via uucp.
rmdirUsed to remove empty directories.
rmmodA program to remove modules from Linux kernel.
rndcName server control utility. Send command to a BIND DNS server over a TCP connection.
rootflagsShow/set flags for the kernel image.
routeShow/change IP routing table.
routedA daemon, invoked at boot time, to manage internet routing tables.
rpcgenAn RPC protocol compiler. Parse a file written in the RPC language.
rpcinfoShows RPC information. Makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports the findings.
rpmA package manager for Linux distributions. Originally developed for RedHat Linux.
rshRemote shell. Connects to a specified host and executes commands.
rshdA daemon that acts as a server for rsh and rcp commands.
rsyncA versitile to for copying files remotely and locally.
runlevelShows previous and current SysV runlevel.
rupRemote status display. Shows current system status for all or specified hosts on the local network.
ruptimeShows uptime and login details of the machines on the local network.
rusersShows the list of the users logged-in to the host or on all machines on the local network.
rusersdThe rsuerd daemon acts as a server that responds to the queries from rsuers command.
rwallSends messages to all users on the local network.
rwhoReports who is logged-in to the hosts on the local network.
rwhodActs as a server for rwho and ruptime commands.