Command List - T
All Command List Linux Started By T
Command | Description |
tac | Concatenate and print files in reverse order. Opposite of cat command. |
tail | Show the last 10 lines of each specified file(s). |
tailf | Follow the growth of a log file. (Deprecated command) |
talk | A two-way screen-oriented communication utility that allows two user to exchange messages simultaneously. |
talkd | A remote user communication server for talk. |
tar | GNU version of the tar archiving utility. Used to store and extract multiple files from a single archive. |
taskset | Set/retrieve a process’s CPU affinity. |
tcpd | Access control utility for internet services. |
tcpdump | Dump traffic on network. Displays a description of the contents of packets on a network interface that match the boolean expression. |
tcpslice | Extract pieces of tcpdump files or merge them. |
tee | Read from standard input and write to standard output and files. |
telinit | Change SysV runlevel. |
telnet | Telnet protocol user interface. Used to interact with another host using telnet. |
telnetd | A server for the telnet protocol. |
test | Check file type and compare values. |
tftp | User interface to the internet TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). |
tftpd | TFTP server. |
time | Run programs and summarize system resource usage. |
timeout | Execute a command with a time limit. |
times | Shows accumulated user and system times for the shell and it’s child processes. |
tload | Shows a graph of the current system load average to the specified tty. |
tmpwatch | Recursively remove files and directories which haven’t been accessed for the specified period of time. |
top | Displays real-time view of processes running on the system. |
touch | Change file access and modification times. |
tput | Modify terminal-dependent capabilities, color, etc. |
tr | Translate, squeeze, or delete characters from standard input and display on standard output. |
tracepath | Traces path to a network host discovering MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) along this path. |
traceroute | Traces the route taken by the packets to reach the network host. |
trap | Trap function responds to hardware signals. It defines and creates handlers to run when the shell receives signals. |
tree | A recursive directory listing program that produces a depth-indented listing of files. |
troff | The troff processor of the groff text formatting system. |
TRUE | Exit with a status code indicating success. |
tset | Initialize terminal. |
tsort | Perform topological sort. |
tty | Display the filename of the terminal connected to standard input. |
tune2fs | Adjust tuneable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems. |
tunelp | Set various parameters for the line printer devices. |
type | Write a description for a command type. |