Command List - H

All Command List Linux Started By H

haltCommand used to half the machine.
hashShows the path for the commands executed in the shell.
hdparmShow/configure parameters for SATA/IDE devices.
headShows first 10 lines from each specified file.
helpDisplay’s help for a built-in command.
hexdumpShows specified file output in hexadecimal, octal, decimal, or ASCII format.
historyShows the command history.
hostA utility to perform DNS lookups.
hostidShows host’s numeric ID in hexadecimal format.
hostnameDisplay/set the hostname of the system.
hostnamectlProvides a proper API used to control Linux system hostname and change its related settings.
htdigestManage the user authentication file used by the Apache web server.
htopAn interactive process viewer for the command line.
hwclockShow or configure the system’s hardware clock.