Command List - L

All Command List Linux Started By L

lastShows a list of recent logins on the system by fetching data from /var/log/wtmp file.
lastbShows the list of bad login attempts by fetching data from _/var/log/btmp_file.
lastlogDisplays information about the most recent login of all users or a specified user.
ldThe Unix linker, it combines archives and object files. It then puts them into one output file, resolving external references.
ldconfigConfigure dynamic linker run-time bindings.
lddShows shared object dependencies.
lessDisplays contents of a fileone page at a time. It’s advanced than more command.
lesskeyUsed to specify key bindings for less command.
letUsed to perform integer artithmetic on shell variables.
lftpAn FTP utility with extra features.
lftpgetUses lftop to retrieve HTTP, FTP, and other protocol URLs supported by lftp.
linkCreate links between two files. Similar to ln command.
lnCreate links between files. Links can be hard (two names for the same file) or soft (a shortcut of the first file).
loadkeysLoad keyboard translation tables.
localUsed to create function variables.
localeShows information about current or all locales.
locateUsed to find files by their name.
lockfileCreate semaphore file(s) which can be used to limit access to a file.
loggerMake entries in the system log.
loginCreate a new session on the system.
lognameShows the login name of the current user.
logoutPerforms the logout operation by making changes to the utmp and wtmp files.
logrotateUsed for automatic rotation, compression, removal, and mailing of system log files.
lookShows any lines in a file containing a given string in the beginning.
losetupSet up and control loop devices.
lpadminUsed to configure printer and class queues provided by CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System).
lpcLine printer control program, it provides limited control over CUPS printer and class queues.
lpinfoShows the list of available devices and drivers known to the CUPS server.
lpmoveMove on or more printing jobs to a new destination.
lpqShows current print queue status for a specified printer.
lprUsed to submit files for printing.
lprintUsed to print a file.
lprintdUsed to abort a print job.
lprintqList the print queue.
lprmCancel print jobs.
lpstatDisplays status information about current classes, jobs, and printers.
lsShows the list of files in the current directory.
lsattrShows file attributes on a Linux ext2 file system.
lsblkLists information about all available or the specified block devices.
lshwUsed to generate the detailed information of the system’s hardware configuration from various files in the /proc directory.
lsmodShow the status of modules in the Linux kernel.
lsofList open files.
lspciList all PCI devices.
lsusbList USB devices.