Command List - G

All Command List Linux Started By G

g++Run the g++ compiler.
gawkUsed for pattern scanning and language processing. A GNU implementation of AWK language.
gccA C and C++ compiler by GNU.
gdbA utility to debug programs and know about where it crashes.
getentShows entries from Name Service Switch Libraries for specified keys.
getkeycodesDisplays the kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table.
getoptsA utility to parse positional parameters.
gpasswdAllows an administrator to change group passwords.
gpgEnables encryption and signing services as per the OpenPGP standard.
gpgsplitUsed to split an OpenPGP message into packets.
gpgvUsed to verify OpenPGP signatures.
gpmIt enables cut and paste functionality and a mouse server for the Linux console.
gprofShows call graph profile data.
grepSearches input files for a given pattern and displays the relevant lines.
groffServes as the front-end of the groff document formatting system.
grofferDisplays groff files and man pages.
groupaddUsed to add a new user group.
groupdelUsed to remove a user group.
groupmodUsed to modify a group definition.
groupsShowthe group(s) to which a user belongs.
grpckVerifies the integrity of group files.
grpconvCreates agshadow file from a group or an already existing gshadow.
gsInvokes Ghostscript, and interpreter and previewer for Adobe’s PostScript and PDF languages.
gunzipA utility to compress/expand files.
gzexeUsed compress executable files in place and have them automatically uncompress and run at a later stage.
gzipA utility to compress/expand files.