Command List - U
All Command List Linux Started By U
Command | Description |
ul | Underline text. |
ulimit | Get and set user limits for the calling process. |
umask | Set file mode creation mask. |
umount | Unmount specified file systems. |
unalias | Remove alias definitions for specified alias names. |
uname | Show system information. |
uncompress | Uncompress the files compressed with the compress command. |
unexpand | Convert spaces to tabs for a specified file. |
unicode_start | Put keyboard and console in Unicode mode. |
unicode_stop | Revert keyboard and console from Unicode mode. |
uniq | Report or omit repeating lines. |
units | Convert units from one scalar to another. |
unix2dos | Converts a Unix text file to DOS format. |
unrar | Extract files from a RAR archive. |
unset | Remove variable or function names. |
unshar | Unpack shell archive scripts. |
until | Execute command until a given condition is true. |
uptime | Tell how long the system has been running. |
useradd | Create a new user or update default user information. |
userdel | Delete a user account and related files. |
usermod | Modify a user account. |
username | It provides a set of commands to fetch username and its configurations from the Linux host. |
users | Show the list of active users on the machine. |
usleep | Suspend execution for microsecond intervals. |
uudecode | Decode a binary file. |
uuencode | Encode a binary file. |
uuidgen | Created a new UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) table. |