Command List - U

All Command List Linux Started By U

ulUnderline text.
ulimitGet and set user limits for the calling process.
umaskSet file mode creation mask.
umountUnmount specified file systems.
unaliasRemove alias definitions for specified alias names.
unameShow system information.
uncompressUncompress the files compressed with the compress command.
unexpandConvert spaces to tabs for a specified file.
unicode_startPut keyboard and console in Unicode mode.
unicode_stopRevert keyboard and console from Unicode mode.
uniqReport or omit repeating lines.
unitsConvert units from one scalar to another.
unix2dosConverts a Unix text file to DOS format.
unrarExtract files from a RAR archive.
unsetRemove variable or function names.
unsharUnpack shell archive scripts.
untilExecute command until a given condition is true.
uptimeTell how long the system has been running.
useraddCreate a new user or update default user information.
userdelDelete a user account and related files.
usermodModify a user account.
usernameIt provides a set of commands to fetch username and its configurations from the Linux host.
usersShow the list of active users on the machine.
usleepSuspend execution for microsecond intervals.
uudecodeDecode a binary file.
uuencodeEncode a binary file.
uuidgenCreated a new UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) table.